M&A Worldwide Industry Report IT
Developments in the IT industry SUMMER 2018 edition
Client’s voice Total Specific Solutions: Buy and hold Forever
We know TSS is a software company with over €200 million in revenues and nearly €65 million in EBITDA employing over 2,000 employees. But what is the business, and what are the people, really about?
Expert’s corner; Global Media Trends until 2022
By Holger Wiemann, Partner Active M&A
The global media market is massive and estimated at a whopping US$ 1.9 tn in 2018 or 2.5% of world GDP. The sector is very healthy with a CAGR of 5-6%. Unsurprisingly it is driven by overall economic growth and the technological and content innovation made possible by the digital revolution and changing consumer habits. Traditional media such as newspapers and magazines are and will continue to face an inexorable decline whilst expenditure for broadband, video games and digital advertising are still seeing a stellar growth of 7-13%. Even traditional TV advertising will continue to grow at 3-5%. Digitalization and access to finance has allowed new competitors like Netflix or Amazon to emerge in just a few years while traditional giants such as Time Warner, Bertelsmann or Lagardère are struggling.
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